Sunday, August 16, 2009

What’s in a name?

If you’ve noticed, the title of my blog is quite long, and well… it seems I’ve used the thesaurus a lot; apparently sacrificing the meaning in the quest for bigger words. However, some thought has gone into it, really!!- its not a random choice of words.

I was initially opting for ‘wordsworth-less’; yeah that’s a pun on the poet’s name; also meaning my words are worthless; but somehow it seemed to be a very drawn out pun. So I tried out something else - TOPSY-TURVY VIEW THROUGH A PREJUDICED PRISM

Its meaning is something like this- when light enters a prism, it splits into its components. My prism, being prejudiced, allows only distorted eccentricities to come out. Ok I concede it’s a pretty stretched analogy. But its better than ‘idiotic ramblings of a crazed, deluded and raving lunatic.’ Yeah sure, my title could have been laconic; but it’s a free country right? I can write anything …. Provided of course that it is properly censored, politically correct, eco-friendly, kind to animals, secular….. the list could go on… Freedom of speech is a fine thing- but we can’t go around giving it to anyone can we?? Seriously, think on it- we fight for freedom and then put on heavier shackles, afraid of being really free.

So, well that’s the story behind the name. Anyways, in the words of Shakespeare, ‘what’s in a name??’

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