Saturday, August 22, 2009

My bad….

The first time I heard those words, I couldn’t understand the meaning. It felt as though it was a bit incomplete. I mean its my bad…..?!? its my bad what?? Complete the sentence for god’s sake!
Was it-
Its my bad—
-grasp on reality
or perhaps
-habit to talk in incomplete sentences??

I later found out- much to my embarrassment (and to the secret delight of many!) that ‘its my bad’ meant ‘its my mistake’. Suddenly the fool I was pointing my finger at turned out to be my reflection. My worst nightmare had come true! (No, not the one about big scissors and thin necks, the other one)

It’s a terrible thing when you goof up- people get a chance to be condescending. ‘Anybody can make mistakes’ they say. I know- I just thought I wasn’t ‘anybody’! (The pun is of course, unintended!) ‘Anybody’ happened to other people. If only I hadn’t goofed up. However as they say, ‘If wishes were wings, swine would flu!’ ... er… I mean ‘pigs would fly

So well, I admit, it was my bad!


Anonymous said...

It’s funny to find out just how many different sites the internet has on this matter. :)

Anonymous said...

My dad has been writing a book precisely on point with this blog, I have emailed him the web address so perhaps he could pick up a couple pointers. Fantastic Job.


Anonymous said...

how are you?

Thanks for writing this blog, loved reading it

Anonymous said...

Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?