Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Crow Bite and the 3 dwarves

The characters involved are:
DJ: Desperate Joker- who was always...well... desperate to crack jokes or play pranks
Smelly: so called because he..er.. was.
Tally: the shortest one (The name was coined by DJ)
Crow bite: The lost princess

DJ, Smelly and Tally, the 3 dwarves, were the natives of the dense forest. Being a very...well..... uncivilized place, there was no female company, at least of the same species . The coming of Crow Bite had understandably caused quite a stir. The phenomenon was as rare as a ‘good-looking-intelligent-girl in an engineering college.’ The dwarves had immediately started fighting among themselves when they had laid eyes on Crow Bite. Ensuring after much vigorous pinching and punches to each other that she was in fact real, and not just a figment of their over-crazed imaginations, the dwarves started bickering on who would go and talk to her.

“I’ll be her friend” said DJ, “I’ll always make her laugh.”

“That may well be your funniest joke yet” countered Smelly.

“She’ll hardly be seen with a smelly person, Smelly” sniggered DJ, who had never lost an opportunity to pick on Smelly’s name.

The dwarves, who had yet to talk to Crow Bite, were already plotting against each other to gain the goodwill of Crow Bite.

“Well what do you think, Tally? You seem to be unusually quiet today” asked Smelly, trying to avoid talking with DJ.

“Oh! Do carry on. I’m planning to lie low for a while and then seize the day.”

“Haha! Lie low- as if you have any choice in that matter, Tally” chuckled DJ.

“Anyways, I see the lady approaching. Watch and learn, you thick-headed wierdos” declared Smelly.

Crow Bite, the princess, who was quite used to peeing finding peas in her bed was feeling quite overwhelmed on seeing the forest for the first time. To complicate matters further, three dwarves, muttering among themselves were homing towards her like a, well, a homing missile.

“Hi!” said the sniffing dwarf “I am Smelly and these are my friends Tally and DJ. What art thee doeth in thiseth forest, pray tell” he added, trying to impress the princess with his ‘old-style-charm’ as he referred to it.

“I can see- rather I can smell that you are smelly” said Crow Bite haughtily “I am Crow Bite, dream girl of euthanasia... er... I mean youth-in-Asia”

“Crow Bite?? What a funny name”

“Well you know- while naming me, I was supposed to take an apple bite, but I took a crow bite.”

“You mean a crow bit you?” asked Tally, surprised since crows were his closest friends.

“No, I meant what I said- I took a crow bite.”

Understanding, along with horrified fascination dawned on the grimy faces of the 3 dwarves.

“How did it tast-- ”  started Smelly, unable to stop himself.

“Smelly, that’s rather tasteless” said DJ

“Hey! I cracked another joke” he added in a surprised tone.

Crow Bite was getting increasingly frustrated. All she wanted to do was to find a way out of this dreadful forest. The awe-struck dwarves were trying to get close to her when she had shown absolutely no interest in getting to know them. And to cap all that, these freaks were trying to hold her hands! How dare they? It was time to get out.

“Oh deary me!” she started in a falsely cheerful voice “which of you fine gentlemen can lead a lost soul like me to the edge of the forest?? I will be immensely grateful to that person!.”

The poor dwarves, who couldn’t read between the lines (to be fair they couldn’t even read the lines) were quite gullible and fell over their own feet in their eagerness to help the lost princess.

Soon, they reached the end of the forest and faint traces of civilization could be seen. Immediately, the pleading look in Crow Bite’s eyes was replaced by a steely glint as she rounded on the dwarves.

“Do you really think I would go out.... rather about in the forest with dumb people like you?? Go and get a life ... in a civilized place before making passes at a lady! Uncivilised barbarians the lot of you!”

Speaking her mind quite clearly, Crow Bite stalked off, leaving the speechless dwarves behind. However, the effect was rather spoiled when she tripped on a stone and fell.


This post was written a while back... but for some reason, it didn't feel entirely complete. Do you think this post ends too abruptly? If yes,


Lalit said...

I had decided that this time whatever u post I am going to click on "Kill the author".
But then...
"good-looking-intelligent-girl in an engineering college"
and then
"Crow bite"
and then
"Uncivilised barbarians"

Awesome man!!!\m/

Nikhil Naralkar said...

Dude i also luved the line "good-looking-intelligent-girl in an engineering colleg" .......... its really a rare combination....

anaisha said...

Ahem,dwarves.That is all you can possibly think of.

@aditya, nicely written.I'm waiting for your fairy-take fetish to be over. :)