Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well, the title of the post is self-explanatory. Take a medium-sized town. Considering the law of probability and plain common sense, there are bound to be at least a couple of hundred women with the same shoe size; stands to logic, doesn’t it?

However, the story goes something like this- after Cinderella runs off at midnight, she leaves behind her glass slipper. The prince and his guards after searching for a long time, finally find Cinderella on basis of shoe-size. The explanation can be given by one of the foll.

Scenario 1
The guards already knew where to go. They just roamed here and there to get the extra pay for over time. Who would pay them if the very first house they visited was Cinderella’s? The harder the job, better the pay!
However, this scenario is unlikely as it assumes the guards are capable of coherent thought.

Scenario 2
The prince was a stalker. He knew all the details about the girls he liked. Hence he knew who had that particular shoe size. He asked the guards to roam around aimlessly so that no one would get suspicious. Who would like a future king to be a stalker?
Unlikely--> with a name like Prince Charming, I highly doubt he would be stalking LADIES, if you get what I mean....

Scenario 3
The guards, not the brightest of the lot, tried jamming the slipper on the wrong foot. Obviously the slipper wouldn’t  feet fit anyone! After doing this job for a long time, the guards were tired and let Cinderella try on the slipper herself. Voila! A perfect fit!

Scenario 4
Magical slippers. Need I say more?

All the above cases were a matter of chance or else the information was known before hand. The result could very well have been different. However, the following case leaves nothing to chance or magic. Also the answer need not be known previously.

Scenario 5
Cinderella had deformed feet.

Since the chances that anyone else in that town had the exact same deformity is extremely slim, it was only a matter of time before Cinderella was found. Hence proved!

Astounding logic, isn’t it? Sometime I dazzle myself by my sheer brilliance!


I agree, the post was completely crazy and a total waste of time. But hey, don’t blame me- you read the entire thing even after seeing the title.


Swati Padmanabhan said...

You can try analysing the sleeping beauty story next.What made her sleep for so long? how could a kiss bring her out of her deep slumber? how could... ?
You get my point.. :D

Dews said...

since you did waste time, i'd like to add :

considering she got her slippers from a fairy godmother, it was likely that the slippers were meant to fit EXACTLY and ONLY her feet..complete with, er deformities, if any.

Aditya Mujumdar said...

@Swati: ya i get ur point. The ans is simple. She woke up to see what kind of person would kiss a girl who is in coma, presumed dead for a 100 years.

@Dews: My point exactly! You've seen the drawing of the slipper, right? Its an EXACT fit! :D

Unknown said...

ha ha ha ha....poor cindrella.....u r behind her life... n i agree with dews.....

Aditya Mujumdar said...

btw.. refer scenario 4!

Unknown said...

yeah....scenario 4 also makes sense.....possible.....

CD said...

umm...Awesome,to say d least..
dude..urs is d best blog i've read in mayb 2 yrs..keep it up.. :-)

Aditya Mujumdar said...

hey CD!
frankly, im overwhelmed! :D

Anonymous said...

One word.. Great! Two words.. Very awesome!