Saturday, July 25, 2009

My first blunder

They say a journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. How true! And well… pretty obvious, isn’t it? So here I am writing my first blog, just putting my random thoughts into words. Read on…

After contemplating on it for a long time I finally decided to create my blog. I mean how hard could it really be? I had already survived orkut and facebook- the new version that is. I was ready for anything, ready to face the next er... dangerous mission…. I couldn’t be more wrong. Actually I could… but let’s not get into the literal meaning of things, it rather spoils the dramatic appeal!

It all started when a couple of my friends asked the address of my blog and when I said I didn’t have one, I was treated like a social outcast- as though stone age man was better connected than me, and probably had a better ‘surfing’ speed. Don’t get me wrong, I love my computer… it’s just the thought of writing new stuff time and again- that’s the issue; the stress being on new. I mean I already had the so called writer’s-block without even picking up my pen… or in this case powering up my PC. (Some people would call it a lack of ideas…. I wouldn’t!!)

Just to get the feel of it I visited quite a few blogs and I won’t say that I was not tempted to plagiarize a bit … but then I thought such blatant rip-offs were better left to bollywood- whose name incidentally proves my point! I tried out the help and FAQs section of a few websites and frankly I had more doubts than I started out with. ‘help?!?’ were they giving it or asking for it? I’m rooting for the latter! Every FAQ had another link which had to be cross-referenced with yet another link for the original link to make sense. It was as though the ‘help’ (the quotes are not a typo) section was specifically designed by people who got their kicks from befuddling and hopelessly confusing people. So finally I decided on blogger since I already had a gmail account which proved to be quite a blessing as I didn’t have to think of any more stupid usernames which would be available. Why can’t I use my own name? It has served me well up to now. Having the same name should be made illegal- for the other person that is!

Anyways, it seems I have written quite a lot without actually putting anything of real value. Is that what blogging is all about? In that case its pretty easy!

Please do leave your comments… I wont bite- probably! It is my first post so do forgive my… er.. lets call it ramblings for want of a better word . Stay tuned- more to follow!!


Arun Pillai said...

lolzz.........nice bro!!!

Aditya said...

good one bro....!!!
Never knew about ur writing skills

Dews said...

you have stuck to not meaning things literally..hmmm

well written!

anaisha said...

your second-last paragraph almost makes me want to write my own blog....'ALMOST'....

pretty captivating ramble u got there.....

Aditya Mujumdar said...

@ Arun, thanks dude, really appreciate it

@Aditya, me neither its totally surprising

@Dews, well yeah, told you, it was my first blunder!

@Anaisha, yeah,it is completely random words strung together. btw thanks for following my blog!!

Lalit said...

ok........not bad

and yes "don't bite me"

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