Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Rules for Good Riting:-

1.Always use korrekt spelingss.

2.Each pronoun agrees with their antecedent.

3.Verbs has to agree with their subject.

4.Don't use no double negatives.

5.And don't use conjunctions to start sentences.

6.Don't use a run-on sentence you got to punctuate it.

7.About sentence fragments.

8.In letters themes reports articles and stuff like that we use commas to
keep strings apart.

9.Don't use, commas, which aren't necessary.

10.Its important to use apostrophe's right.

11.Don't abbrev.

12.Check to see if you any words out.

13.In my opinion I think that the author when he is writing should not get into the habit of making use of too many unnecessary words which he does not really need i mean whats the use of writing too many unnecessary words which anyways nobody's going to read.

14.Then, of course, there's that old one: Never use a preposition to end a sentence with.

15.The sentences grammatically correct should be.

16.In my reckoning, the author ought to abstain from, circumvent, refrain from and avert using redundant words. That is, saying the same thing over and over again is to be avoided.

17.I repeat, redundancy should be avoided at all costs

18.Last but not least, avoid cliches like the plague.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail!

In this bizarre world, chaos rules the roost. We hardly, if ever see the whole picture. Every day we are bombarded with clichés and stereotypes and our mind is conditioned accordingly. Ever seen a villain without his personal brand of maniacal laughter? Or seen a bomb which was not stopped with only a second left till detonation??

Sometimes we try to fit the problem in our prejudiced views— like trying to drive a square peg in a circular hole. We see the carrot held up in front of our eyes, not the fact that this essentially implies we are the donkey.

Human beings, by nature, are inclined to trust the bad news rather than good news . For example if a person tells you that you have won a lottery of a petty sum- say Rs.100 you ask “what’s the catch?” or maybe “do you think I’m a fool?” But if the same person tells you that your house was on fire, you will probably go running there as though…well… your house was on fire!

But still, there is hope, hope for a better day; after all we do get up on Monday mornings, don’t we?


On an unrelated topic last time’s post was a bit... well... different. Maybe I should have just said ‘click on kill-the-author’ this would have helped save time all around. Anyways, last two posts were in the 3rd person and I would appreciate any comments regarding it (preferably praising it..... :D)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A disjoint tale or... more nonsense

Prologue: In an age long past....

The skies were dark, filled with melancholy clouds which battered rain the likes of which had never been seen. A lone shadow illuminated by brief sparks of lightning stood guard on the cliff.
Suddenly, the sky was lit up by a brilliant display of light and now two figures- George and John Hardly could be seen encircling the lone figure.

“Hey! That’s too dramatic” said Colin who was hearing the story written by his friend Arthur. “Why does it have to begin with a storm?? And please tell me that there is no magic involved.”

“Of course not” said Arthur, trying to hide the book. “Do you take me for a fool??”

“Well.... yeah! You sound like an amateur author, Arthur; as though you have read a lot of fantasy novels and think that you can also write” criticized Arthur. “And your characters: George and John hardly—hardly what???”

“That’s their name, you idiot!”

“Oh! So people call them hardly boys??” sniggered Colin.

“Hey! Stop criticizing everything. Can’t you tell me something good about it??” asked Arthur indignantly.

“Oh yes I can— it was thankfully very short.”

“You are an insensitive, lying, shameless, cruel, lying sarcastic jerk! Oh, and did I mention lying?” said Arthur, who had never taken criticism sportingly.

“Well, I suppose it was better than the last one- it was about talking lizards right?”

“Those were lizardmen from a distant planet, coming to destroy earth” sputtered Arthur, turning red with suppressed anger.

“Yeah... whatever”


This was supposed to be something else entirely and the story was supposed to make some kind of sense. But somehow, somewhere down the line, everything went awry. The idea was dumb and insensible not fully developed so please forgive me this time!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


The characters involved in the following conversation are Jack and Jill. (Who else did you expect after seeing the title?) Any resemblance with any person living, dead or any stage in between is unintentional.
This is what happened after Jack and Jill, involved in the making of the original rhyme, got up from their fall.
Jack, disoriented after his long downward journey, tried to restore some order in the muddy situation. A budding actor, Jack knew how to react after a perceived head injury. There was the ‘Main kaun hoon?’ (Who am I?) stage followed by the ‘Main kahan hoon?’  (Where am I?) phase. However, seeing the murderous look in Jill’s eyes, Jack’s survival instincts surfaced and he said, meekly, “I’m sorry!”

“You’d better be. Sorry is all that you can say” said Jill.

“When you say that the only thing I can say – ”

“I mean another word out of you, and even a rat with a terminal toothache will pity you!”

“I did not sign up for this” muttered Jack. “This was supposed to be a routine job with easy money. The only hard work involved was fetching a pail of water. This was supposed to be a no risk job.”

“I know” sighed Jill “It was supposed to be easy- just climbing the hill is hardly an uphill task. You wouldn’t think those little kids with runny noses would enjoy violence, would you? And a little professionalism from you wouldn’t have hurt—who trips over his own feet??”

“Hey! Don’t give me that look. And anyways how was water supposed to be 'up the hill'? You would think water would flow down, right? How can it accumulate at the top?”
“That’s creative freedom for you” said the knowledgeable Jill.

“Can we sue them, for making us fall??” Jill added after a moments thought.

Jack pondered over this. He had made news in the infamous ‘Jack the bean stalker’*
case. The ecological committee was suing him for cutting down the huge beanstalk that led to the giant’s house as it was very rare plant. The giant was also pressing charges of breaking and entering, assault and 3 counts of racism. ‘I was targeted because I am a giant’ said the man-eating giant.

“No” concluded Jack “It won’t work. They will only set up a 3 member committee which will just be able to prove, after great deliberations, that there in fact, existed the said hill.”

“Then I suppose there really isn’t much we can do, right?” said Jill mulling over the unfairness of the whole situation.

“Yeah, perhaps we should just go home.”

Brooding on their unfortunate fall, the two left the set, (Jack is an actor, remember?) thinking about children and rocks— often in the same sentence.

On a totally unrelated incident, a few days later the entire set was destroyed in the night by a couple of people shouting slogans like—
Creating a rhyme,
Is committing a crime!

*Jack’s version of the story, where he portrays himself as the hero is the more popular one an account of aggressive publicity by his lawyers. It can be found here-