Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sorry seems to be... the most repeated word!

It has been a very long time since my last post and I apologize for the delay. I know, I promised to write every Sunday; but well, I didn’t. Some people would say that promises are in fact meant to be broken, but that’s pretty dumb. That’s like saying you are born to die. That is just... stupid. You are born to live, not to die.  Dying is just a part (frequently the last.)  

Talking about stupidity there is just no end to the level of stupidity that can be achieved. You would think that according to the theory of ‘survival-of-the-fittest’ stupidity should have been stamped out, right? But then I suppose the only people who survive the education system not frothing at the mouth and with their brains intact are stupid people. (Because they don’t use their brains, you see?) As one Murphy’s Law goes— ‘The sum of intelligence on the planet is constant; the population is growing.’

Reverting back on the topic [I know, I have this tendency to ramble a bit.  Hey look, I found my earphones!!(See what I mean about rambling?)]. Well, I do apologize for the Sundays during which you hopefully visited my blog, only to find nothing new. This is of course based on the vain hope that people actually read what I write!!

Well, all I can say that I am sorry and I’ll make it a point to update the blog at least once a fortnight.