Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Of quotes, clichés and Murphy’s laws

Ever wondered how simple sentences, through persistent repetition turn into clichéd sayings or even proverbs, developing an entirely new range of meanings. I mean think about it, ‘Every coin has two sides.’ Hardly sensational! But now the sides mean right and wrong. And yeah, ‘Old is gold.’ In that case I’m practically a billionaire. Watch out, Mr. Gates!! I’ve got practically ancient dust behind my cupboard; the dust is so old it must have evolved by now and is probably planning world domination.(I saw it gathering more dust!)

Of course if you don’t agree with a particular saying there’s always an opposite one to save the day. Let me give you an example: ‘Birds of feather flock together’ and if that doesn’t suit your purpose there’s always ‘Opposites attract.’ And the quotes don’t always have to make sense but may just be funny sounds – ‘Tit for tat.’ Does it really mean what we think it does? Or was it something else entirely, like stone-age men trading funny sounding, well…. stones? And well, we can always thank out teachers for those clichéd expression. I mean ‘It is what it is??’ Yeah thanks ma’am. That really solves my doubt. Why the heck couldn’t I think of it myself??

Certainly, in some cases quotes are invaluable. (For example the first line of my first post!) Jokes aside, you sometimes really need those sayings. For example in a speech, or in essays, where eloquence is of paramount importance, those little quotes do make a lasting impression. They also make you come across as well-read, provided that the quote is not out of context. You can’t really say ‘Where there’s life there’s hope’ at a funeral and hope to get away with it!

Don’t get me wrong, I like to use phrases as much as the next person; I just can’t help but think that most of them are a pile of rubbish, except of course Murphy’s laws! For the uninitiated, Murphy’s laws are a collection of random pessimistic thoughts with a pinch of humour, not necessarily coined by Murphy. The oft quoted one being, ‘If anything can go wrong, it will.’ One of my personal favourites is ‘Smile, tomorrow will be worse.’ Yes, the situation you are in now is a piece of cake. Never mind that you cannot find a place to hide that body- tomorrow will be worse!!

Yes, I know I’ve mostly talked about the negative aspects of phrases and my views may be a bit prejudiced. Well, look at the title of my blog. What did you really expect to find eh? Poems about daffodils?? Or perhaps about a rainy day on a cloudless night? I know the last line doesn’t really make sense; so sue me!

Anyways, I think that’s about enough for today. I haven’t really said all that I wanted to… but well, there’s always the next post! Stay hanged ????…. on my page!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My first blunder

They say a journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. How true! And well… pretty obvious, isn’t it? So here I am writing my first blog, just putting my random thoughts into words. Read on…

After contemplating on it for a long time I finally decided to create my blog. I mean how hard could it really be? I had already survived orkut and facebook- the new version that is. I was ready for anything, ready to face the next er... dangerous mission…. I couldn’t be more wrong. Actually I could… but let’s not get into the literal meaning of things, it rather spoils the dramatic appeal!

It all started when a couple of my friends asked the address of my blog and when I said I didn’t have one, I was treated like a social outcast- as though stone age man was better connected than me, and probably had a better ‘surfing’ speed. Don’t get me wrong, I love my computer… it’s just the thought of writing new stuff time and again- that’s the issue; the stress being on new. I mean I already had the so called writer’s-block without even picking up my pen… or in this case powering up my PC. (Some people would call it a lack of ideas…. I wouldn’t!!)

Just to get the feel of it I visited quite a few blogs and I won’t say that I was not tempted to plagiarize a bit … but then I thought such blatant rip-offs were better left to bollywood- whose name incidentally proves my point! I tried out the help and FAQs section of a few websites and frankly I had more doubts than I started out with. ‘help?!?’ were they giving it or asking for it? I’m rooting for the latter! Every FAQ had another link which had to be cross-referenced with yet another link for the original link to make sense. It was as though the ‘help’ (the quotes are not a typo) section was specifically designed by people who got their kicks from befuddling and hopelessly confusing people. So finally I decided on blogger since I already had a gmail account which proved to be quite a blessing as I didn’t have to think of any more stupid usernames which would be available. Why can’t I use my own name? It has served me well up to now. Having the same name should be made illegal- for the other person that is!

Anyways, it seems I have written quite a lot without actually putting anything of real value. Is that what blogging is all about? In that case its pretty easy!

Please do leave your comments… I wont bite- probably! It is my first post so do forgive my… er.. lets call it ramblings for want of a better word . Stay tuned- more to follow!!